Relieving Plantar Fasciitis with Acupuncture at Kingsport Acupuncture
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting the bottom of the foot, particularly the heel and arch. It’s caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. People suffering from plantar fasciitis often experience sharp pain with their first steps in the morning or after long periods of standing, walking, or running. While there are many treatments for plantar fasciitis, acupuncture has proven to be an effective, holistic approach for relieving symptoms and promoting long-term healing.
At Kingsport Acupuncture, Dr. Brian Duncan has developed a specialized treatment protocol for plantar fasciitis that combines acupuncture with a specially formulated herbal remedy applied directly to the foot. Dr. Duncan has over 10 years of experience treating this condition and has even published a research proposal for this unique treatment approach.
The Treatment Protocol
The treatment process is designed to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and speed up recovery. Here’s how it works:
- Acupuncture Treatments:
Acupuncture is performed once a week, or in less severe cases, twice a month. Thin needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points on the foot and lower leg, stimulating circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing of the plantar fascia. This approach not only targets pain relief but also addresses the root cause of the inflammation. - Herbal Formula Application:
Alongside acupuncture, Dr. Duncan prescribes a specially formulated herbal remedy that is directly applied to the affected area(s). This formula is designed to further reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and accelerate the healing process. Patients are instructed to apply the herbal prescription daily at home to ensure continuous treatment between acupuncture sessions.
Results You Can Expect
Most patients at Kingsport Acupuncture begin to see improvement within the first week of treatment. The complete course of treatments lasts for about a month, with most patients experiencing full resolution of symptoms during this time. For particularly severe cases, some patients may require a second course of treatment to completely heal the plantar fascia.
With Dr. Duncan’s decade of experience and a proven treatment method, the vast majority of patients report significant relief and, in many cases, complete recovery from plantar fasciitis.
Why Choose Kingsport Acupuncture?
Dr. Brian Duncan brings over 10 years of clinical experience treating plantar fasciitis with acupuncture and herbal medicine. His research into combining acupuncture with a direct herbal application has provided many patients with lasting relief from this often debilitating condition. By addressing both the symptoms and the underlying causes of plantar fasciitis, Dr. Duncan offers a comprehensive, holistic solution that helps patients regain their mobility and quality of life.
Take the First Step Toward Healing
If you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis and are looking for a natural, effective solution, Kingsport Acupuncture is here to help. Call today at 423-393-7797 or schedule an appointment online at Start your journey to pain-free living with expert care and personalized treatments tailored just for you.